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          Adult Mad Hatter Costume - Alice Through the Looking Glass



          Size: Standard Size
          Alice Through the Looking Glass Adult Mad Hatter Costume includes:

          • Jacket
          • Attached vest
          • Attached tie
          • Hat

          More on Alice Through the Looking Glass Adult Mad Hatter Costume: You're Alice's truest friend in a Mad Hatter Costume. Inspired by his outfit in Tim Burton's film Alice Through the Looking Glass, this costume includes a brown jacket with an attached vest and an oversized tie. The jacket features a printed bird patch, lace cuffs, button detailing, and an attached handkerchief. No Mad Hatter Costume is complete without the hat. This one features a faux feather, a satin bow, and a felt card. Shoes and pants not included.

          SKU: 680896
          Costume 800